I just wanted to note how great my friends are. They surprised me.
A few days ago, a friend called and asked me to meet her for lunch at A.pple.Bee’s today for lunch (and ever since, I had been dreaming about their chi.cken faj.ita roll-u.p) So I met her up there to find that she called a few other really close friends ( that knew about my IUI's), balloons, cupcakes and presents for me. I had a “YEAH you’re Pregnant” Party!!! I was so shocked and honored; it’s nice to be loved. You Guys ROCK! You know how to make a girl feel special! Thank you!
If you are a science junkie, Like me, check out this webiste
Stolen from this website:
"Studies indicate that the sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm (with the Y chromosome).Yet the male sperm appear to have a higher motility. Sperm motility is measured in two ways: percentage of sperm exhibiting movement, and the quality of this movement, which is called the forward progression. Poor motility means the sperm have a difficult time swimming toward the egg.It is said that the sperm carrying the Y chromosome uses energy faster than the sperm carrying the X chromosome. The energy utilization is said to be due to the speed in which sperm swim. Supposedly, the Y sperm is speedy or contains less mitochondria whereas the X sperm is slower or carries more mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy producing cellular components which are absolutely necessary for life. Sperm contain, and can only produce, so much fuel for their journey. If one sperm type swims faster than another, the consequence of that, of course, is faster arrival - but also faster expiration. That said, if a woman knows her cycle and when she ovulates, the odds of baby gender prediction can be in one's favor. Sperm can reach the fallopian tubes in about 20 minutes to 2 hours. Sperm are viable for about 4-7 days inside the woman."
Anyone know if that is remotely have any truth to it? I'm heading upstairs to our DNA Section and asking if this is true. I want to know just because I am a science junkie.
Calling all self cleaning cat box owners:
Anyone have a self cleaning litterbox.. My husband insists that we get one.. if so, could you leave opinions on the ones you like.