Monday, February 5, 2007

Why people need education on Infertility ...

Setting up the stage : January 3rd on our way to the gym I asked DH to stop at Books-a Million … I had found a few books on the Internet and wanted to look at them before I bought them and my husband wanted a book for Christmas that He didn’t get, I promised him it would only take approx 10 mins … ….

Enter stage right : we enter the book store, I go to the health section of the store and I'm looking for this book on infertility/coping/options/procedures blah blah ….. cant find anything in the health section .. so I walk back to the parenting/pregnancy section .. and I’M looking up and down the isle .. (*enters what looks like a 16 yr old girl and her 16 yr old boyfriend wearing matching high school jackets) and she is trying to find a what to expect when you are expecting book and I'm just still looking for the books I want to look at … My husband walks over and says that they don’t have a Stephen king book he is looking for .. and I tell him that I cant find my books either and I must be looking in the wrong section or something – so he convinced me to ask for help and he walks back over to the magazines – which I knew was a bad idea (asking for help) but appeased him because my approx 10 mins was running close … so I ask some lil old lady if she can maybe direct me to her infertility section, I proceed to tell her that I looked in the health section and it wasn’t there .. so she says that they have a huge selection and brings me back to the pregnancy isle where I just left ….. and says I know we have to have some .. blah blah …I tell her that I am looking for one in particular and she says that she will find some .. and then she walks up and down the isle telling me that I can just buy a what to expect when expecting book or a pre-pregnancy book and it will tell me how to get pregnant in any of the conception books… and I’m now getting embarrassed, angry, frustrated and over the fact I am looking for books …… so I tell her nevermind I will just buy them online and start to walk away ..I hear her ask the 16 yr girl if she saw any infertility books and I keep walking cuz at this time she is kinda loud and I am more angry and steam is starting to come out of my ears .. she YELLS .. “HONEY HONEY HONEY we found one on Fertility, Come back, Come BACK”, My husband is on the other side of the store and he comes running over to me because he knows that she was yelling at me and he knows that I may hit her, or just drop on the floor and melt, or become a raging lunatic at any moment (yeah hormones - i should have prefaced this story with - i was on my second month of clomid at a high dosage) …. And she proceeds to announce to the store that she and the 16yr old have found a “taking charge of your fertility” book .. My husband (who works well under pressure) calmly tells her that we have that one and we start to head out .. but she looks at the 16yr old and she announces to her "O she already has that one"

…… then I went to the gym and had the best workout ever !!!I swear.... I can not make this stuff up !!!

1 comment:

lisalou said...


1. I am here to support you now!
2. You should'a kicked the insensitive book hag in the judy before you leaft the store.
3. My guilty pleasure on the tube is America's Next Top Model -even though I should know better,

Oh, and my mommy lives an hour away.

Nice to meet you!