Back to the Dr at 8 this morning - Rough Night, No sleep, still fevered. Actually after a few doses of Mo.trin, it was still 102.4 f at the dr's. Good news is that we do not think he is not allergic to the anti-fungal meds. He has his very first ear infection. I did mention that I am not completely convinced that He has ri.ngworms. She did admit - some spots look alot like eczema, but some look like ring.wo.rms .... Thanks to the great help/comments/suggestions from those that left info on yesterdays post, I think I will pick up some of that Aq.uaphor and see what happens. Off to get more meds ....
Here is what I went in and saw yesterday:

Poor guy :O(. M is still really sick, too. Nothing more sad that sick babies!
B had ringworm (from the cats we had for all of one month).. but only one spot on her back. It was a very definite 'ring'. Gross.
I hope he feels better soon! Look at that sneaky foot! :)
awww... so cute! Hope he feels better soon!
Poor baby :( Ausi has that same outfit! What size is his? Ausi is a 6 months and he pretty much can't wear it anymore:(
I hope MT gets to feeling better!
I love the cute little foot through the bars! He's making a break for it.
He is so cute. Poor little guy, I hope he feels better soon! Mine got his first ear infection at 4 months. No fun!
I don't know why they have to call it ringworm, it sounds so gross.
Oh baby. I hope you feel betetr soon
Poor little guy! Hope he perks up soon for you.
The pics are too cute!
That picture cracks me up. Adorable. Hoping you get the eczema vs. ringworm puzzle figured out. I just read your previous post and had no idea that ringworm, etc., can be passed through those playmats. Makes total sense, though. My best friend's son has eczema and they use Arbonne baby products on him - expensive, but they are the only thing that works for him.
Oh Farah, wow, you've had a busy week. I hope his fever goes away soon! N has eczema and it flares up bad when I give him dairy (usually not on purpose) I use the aquaphor, vaseline and have switched to the california baby or method natural soaps. I hope he gets better soon!
Poor little MT! I was at work and missed your post yesterday, but I hope that he's feeling better already. My sister's second son had ringworm. She thinks that he got it from the lady who watches him's son. She is just a lady who watches my nephew and one other little boy. It took a little while to clear up but did eventually. It just took longer than my sister thought it would. Not sure if saying that helps. I'm just hoping it does. That being said, I don't think he ever ran a temp with his. I hope little MT's comes down soon. I remember the few times Brynn had a temp it was nerve wracking so I hope it's already on it's way down ((hugs))
Wow what a week for you already. Having to care for 2 sick/injured ones. (Especially if your husband is like mine) Haha. I hope MT is getting better. The aquafir is great - we use it for the "wind" rash. Good luck.. Love that he is already trying to escape -- but doesn't he know you have to climb over the bars not through them.
Poor little guy! I'm sorry he's not feeling well.
It always cracks me up to see that our little guys have so many of the same outfits.
He is too much! Poor little guy with an ear infection though! Lemy had slight eczema and I used Aveno moisturizer with no scent and its completely gone now. Hopefully its that and not ringworm. Bleh. I hope MT feels better soon! ((HUGS))
HA! I walked in on the SAME EXACT site with Baby S (who was even wearing the same pajamas with the same crib netting, except in white).
Try Vanicream. It is what the pediatric dermatologist from the big fancy medical clinic recommended. It cleared Baby S's skin up in two applications. We put it on right out of the bath and it works wonders because it is very thick.
I love the look on his face with his foot through the crib slat; this look like "what of it, mum?"
Hope he feels better soon! He looks so freakin' cute in your pics!
Oh poor baby -- I hope he feels better soon!
Oy, I'm so sorry that you are dealing with the skin problem and an ear infection together. Poor you and poor little A!
But cute pictures... Was A ok with getting his leg caught? When Sacha first did this he was around 5 months or so and screamed bloody murder. Now that he knows how to dothings with his body, he just gets himself out if the jams!
Awww, hope MT feels better soon!
I want to know about the cool bumper alternative you have in his crib! Please!
Poor little baby. Hugs and kisses to all.
I sincerely hope that by now, MT is well on his way to recovering from his infection. That photo looks awfully familiar...those little legs seem to be a magnet for the space between the crib rails. :)
Poor little guy! He's so cute, even if he's trying to make a break for it!
poor little guy.
good thing you have those expensive breathable bumpers!
I hope MT is feeling better!
He looks so much older than he is! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!
I hope he's feeling better.
Those pictures are too cute!
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