Remember that Woman that was constantly whining about not being able to breastfeed her child in public .... That woman today breastfed her child numerous times on 2 flights, in the Mi.nneapo.lis/St. Pa.ul airport food court. I seriously even pumped in a service center corner all courtesy of a nursing cover. I HAD to, I was going to explode. So I think I can say that I have unleashed the "attitude". I was in shock after I pumped. I was discreet, extremely discreet but SOMETHING had to give ....I was in some serious pain and my child was hungry..My Care-o-meter of what others would think was running low. I know, there will be some that roll their eyes in disgust, that's ok .. I would have too if it were a different time and a different place not so long ago....But I am VERY proud of myself right now ..naysayers need not comment - just think it to your self
* tried to find a family rest area, or a bathroom with a plug but the only plugs I could find were at the airside for labtops and I am not that the service center has cubbies with outlets .. I used that
Oh yes, we landed safely and MT has an angel child on both planes. I know everyone on the plane is very proud of him not screaming at all ..
So glad to hear that MT was an angel traveler!
I'm proud of you pumping in public...Yay for you!
Woo-hoo!!! I'm so proud of you!!! Rock on girl!
And yay MT for being such a well behaved little one!
Good on you!
Yay! Nice work. :)
Way to go! And good for MT, the angel child.
That's wonderful! I hope I'm so brave this time around!!
I am glad you are doing so well! Congrats an being so brave.
You go girl! I am glad to hear your plane ride was easy. We must be traveling in the same realm- we took T on her first plane ride this weekend too!
I'm so proud of you and excited for you!! You are an inspiration. I really want to breastfeed.
I'm so proud of you!! Way to go! The nursing cover is a life saver!
Awesome job MT on the flight! Enjoy your vacation!
Yea for you!!! That's a HUGE step!!!!
And yea for the little man for being a great traveler!!!
Good for you!! I've never had a problem with women breastfeeding in public. It has actually always bothered me that it bothered other people since, really, it's such a natural thing. So yay that you're overcoming your fear and doing what you need to do.
And good on MT for being an awesome lil guy during the flights!
Glad Mt did well on the trip. I am proud of you also. You have made so many steps in the last couple of months. Keep up the good work.
next time if you're not wanting to have to plug in somewhere... there are manual pumps out there. i used to be skeptical that my hand would get tired. but the avent isis manual is actually pretty nice. not tiresome at all.
you did great!
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do - I mean, really, you know if men had the babies and did the breastfeeding they'd be whippin' body parts out everywhere without a second thought.
I am THRILLED to read about this breastfeeding victory!
Breastfeeding, IMHO, is the last wholesome image we as a society have of the breast and I for one am a very big proponent of public breast feeding (although I admit in my short 2.5 weeks of being a mum I've only done it twice, both times in fairly secluded little corners...). Ya gotta feed your kiddo, right? There is NOTHNG wrong with that :)
HUGE applause from me! *clap clap* Proud of you girl!
I say good for you. I'm getting really nervous about the whole breastfeeding situation myself and have no idea how I'm going to pull it off.
In another time, I was proud to show off my breasts... But now I'm afraid I'm going to want to hide away every time I need to feed or pump.
I suppose things all change once it actually comes down to it and my "modesty" will go out the window.
Anyways, again, good for you. I wish more people would do this and make it more normal for the rest of the world.
YAYY!!!!! You are the BOMB!
So happy to hear that you had a good flight and got to pump in are awesome!
Good for you, Breast feeding in public!!
Good for you! :)
I AM proud of you! Way to go! I don't mind that stuff at all. I only mind when people whip out their breasts in a flagrant display. Yes I have seen that. Once a woman I knew pulled her shirt completely up to her neck, revealing both breasts and no bra.. picked up her left breast and stuck it in her 18 mo old's mouth in the middle of our apartment community center entry way and continued her conversation with me. Lovely.
Liked the photos too.
You go, girl! I still have yet to breastfeed in a really public place, because we've always timed our outings around feedings. Now, being a veteran breastfeeder, I have found it is really easy to get him latched on without drawing too much attention to myself (and now I'm officially an extended nurser since he turned one last month). :)
At first I was scared to nurse in public, and now I really don't care. In other countries it is so normal.
look at you!!!!
Hope you're still having fun!
MT looks like he is!
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