My last post was supposed to be about how I suck at waiting. But instead it was sideswiped by "poor me" dribble. This really bothers me that I somehow got railroaded by myself(or emotions) and went on blubbering instead of staying on point about My Lack of patience. This may very well be a 35 yr old temper tantrum - and it indeed does demonstrated how poorly I do Wait ....
I majorly suck at waiting. That is all
I didn't think it was too "poor me". I thought it was fine. :)
Nah, I thought it was fine, too. Plus, blogs are meant for whining (at least mine is!). You actually ARE dealing with a lot right now!!
Sometimes you just need to get it all out to clear your head - and that is one way of coping with the WAIT. I get it - when the moment you are in feels so intense, or so hard, to know that it will end eventually, to keep that thought in mind, is really really hard.
One breath at a time. Hang in there. (((((hugs))))))
You are allowed to whine--as long as you enjoy a little WINE with it :) Sending you lots of hugs--and I SUCK at the waiting game too...
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