My brain is all over the place lately: so here it goes:
JJ had a great Idea to introduce how your blog was born. I was inspired by a real live friend and Jaime. I read her blog and how open and honest about her feelings she was able to be .. and I was moved and then envious. So I started my own. I then quickly landed on JJ’s blog a few days after, and the rest is in the archives.
I out-ed myself out work yesterday. (trying to sneakily scan U/S pics- and got caught) The trips to the bathroom, nausea, peeing, eating, tired, late, leaving early, Dr’s appointments, type of work I do, sharing very close quarters, and a few other reasons, it just seemed easier. There was already chatter about it, So What’s done is done
Go here and here for some continued good news
I think the extra hormones in my body are making me a tad bit whiney. I was having a pity party for one yesterday because my husband schedule is on my nerves again. Having to have a shot at 5 pm every day, trying to work 8 hours and make in home in time for my husband to give me a shot and walk out the door for work has really gotten to me. I know I have gone over this before, .I work far away (and add extra snowbird/holiday/tourist traffic to an already long commute= the suck, add driving in a car or pretty much moving making me nauseous = more the suck) I am a pretty much independent kind of person and my husband lets me be. Right now, I just want to be cared for. I would just like when I am puking in the toilet, not to have to be the one to have to clean up and nurture me, and find something that sounds/smells like I want to eat/drink it. I do not know how you single women do this on your own. More power to you. (again, I am sorry that it sounds like complaining – its actually just venting- I think it’s the extra hormones
v E is off of work today and I am just so glad for that. I have made it to work by 8:15 2 mornings in a row!!! Go me